Regular Eye Exams

Your Eyes Deserve Love.
Book Your Exam Today
and #LoveWhatYouSee

An eye exam can detect changes before
you notice them. Stay ahead of your eye
health and see your best.
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$10 OFF your eyeglasses order.

Why Regular Eye Exams Matter

  1. Prevent eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts through early detection and treatment. All of our exams include advanced retinal screenings to help diagnose and document.
  2. Systemic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and lupus can impact our eye health. Yearly eye exams are essential if you have these conditions.
  3. Avoid headaches and eye strain by making sure your prescription is up-to-date and tailored to your vision demands. If you are experiencing regular headaches, an eye exam should be your first step in finding a cure.
  4. Protect yourself from digital eye strain. Adults should limit total screen time to eight hours a day for work plus 2-4 hours a day for entertainment. Even if we stay within those guidelines, our eyes are at risk of dryness and the effects of excessive blue light exposure, including light sensitivity, shortened attention span and trouble sleeping. Get tips on how to keep your eyes moisturized, bright and safe from screens at your next eye exam.
  5. Don't disappear behind your frames. You wouldn't wear the same pair of shoes every day for 2-3 years. Create a stylish eyewear collection and put your best foot (eye?) forward every day.
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